Store Locator

To find a local specialty fitness dealer near you, simply enter your location (city, state and or zip code) in the space provided below, then press ‘Enter’ on your keyboard. Please note that the map may take a few moments to load. For a more precise result, adjust the mileage option, then select ‘Find Locations’.

The Google Maps API key in Store Locator Plus® has not been set. Please add one or use the Store Locator Plus® SaaS Edition to avoid the Google API license fees and headaches.

Enter an address or zip code and click the find locations button.

Important: This is not an ‘all-encompassing’ list. To be included in this store locator, each location has requested to be included and or one of their supplying manufacturers (on the retailer’s behalf) has supported FIT PROF. For more information on how FIT PROF works, visit our FAQs page
